Password Protect WordPress Page or Posts

Password Protect WordPress Page or Posts

by | Mar 24, 2022

The process to password protect WordPress pages or posts is relatively easy.  When you typically publish a WordPress page or post  it is automatically visible to the public. However, here are a couple of scenarios where it may come in handy:

  • A client or customer needs quick access to data that may be too sensitive for email
  • A small subset of your group or organization needs to upload or download information
  • You want to create a value add to your website without creating a full blown membership site

How to Password Protect WordPress Pages and Posts Video Tutorial

You Try – Interactive Tutorial to Password Protect WordPress Pages and Posts – (Sound Enabled)

1. There may be times when you want to publish a post, but not make it visible to site visitors.  In the post menu, click Public, next to Visibility.

Step 1 image

2. You now have the opportunity to make the post Private, which means only editors and Administrators may view the post, or Password Protected.

Step 2 image

3. If you want to Password Protect your Post, then select Password Protected and type in a secure password.

Step 3 image

4. Type in a password

Step 4 image

5. Click Publish to publish the post or page.

Step 5 image

Here’s an interactive tutorial

To Password Protect a WordPress page or post follow these steps below

STEP 1 : Underneath the Publish section by the visibility icon which says public  click Edit

Password Protect WordPress Page

STEP 2 : You Have two options  Password Protect  or private

Password Protect WordPress Page or Post with Block Menu
  • When Checking Password protected it will reveal a text field for entering a password, that will be required to view that page or post.
  • The password is limited to 20 characters.
Password Protected Post with 20 character limit.
  • Checking Private makes your page or post visible only to your site’s Users with the role of Administrator or Editor

STEP 3: When you’re done editing the page or post’s visibility, click the “OK” button.

You should now see your new setting, Visibility: Password Protected.

(HINT) The change does not take effect until you click the Publish button
or Update  if the post is already published.

Once the password has been entered – non administrators and editors will see the following when they visit that page:

WordPress Password Protected Page

Have You Lost Your password or need to change it?  Only an Administrator, Editor, or the post’s Author can change a page or post’s password or visibility setting. To do so, use the Visibility: Edit link again following the steps listed above.

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