WordPress for Businesses

WordPress for Business Articles

WordPress is an amazing tool for businesses. More than just a blog, or a simple website builder, WordPress for business is a smart move .  Your WordPress website can literally become an additional employee by using plugins to extend its functionality.  With the right knowledge, you can turn your site into a ticketing system, online receptionist, e-commerce store, etc..  View the articles below, or call us at (844) WP-Tutor

How Can I Use WordPress to Increase my Sales?

Use WordPress to increase your sales is and scale your business dramatically How Can I Use WordPress to Increase My Sales? In the bustling digital marketplace of today, every business owner looks for that secret sauce that will propel their sales into the...

WordPress for Business Part 8- Live Chat and Phone Support

The Power of Live Chat and Phone Support Plugins for WordPress: Saving Time, Money, and Boosting Customer Satisfaction Live Chat and Phone Support with WordPress enhances business communications greatly. The Power of Live Chat and Phone Support Plugins for WordPress:...

Why WordPress is Better than SquareSpace and Wix

When it comes to building a website, choosing the right platform is crucial. WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix are three popular options, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. However, in this article, we will delve into the reasons why WordPress stands out as...

WordPress Tutor – 5 Reasons You Need One

A good WordPress Tutor can show you a couple of techniques that will help you with posts, pages, and general upkeep of your site. They can also offer best practices to use when making a wordpress site. If you’ve ever attempted to learn something that is really complex and had someone say,”That’s easy just do …” and you got an “aha” moment, then you’ll probably have that same moment with a wordpress tutor. Those couple of minutes of tutoring can possibly save you hours of frustration.

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